The Debut

Three years ago, I told my mom I wanted a blog. I remember the day it happened. We were in the kitchen, the air smelling like warm food and feeling like sunshine. We were cooking, it was almost dinnertime.

I started first, “Mom I want to get a blog. I know a lot of people have one. I think it would be really cool, cause I can design it myself and you know, have my own space to write and stuff.” What I didn’t tell her was that I wanted to be cool like everyone else. Because if cool people had blogs, I wanted one; then I’d be cool too. #logic.

My mom didn’t need to think about it. “You need to finish school first,” she replied, as if starting a blog was just like all the other things I couldn’t do because I wasn’t an adult yet.

I hate to say it, but I’m an adult now, so I have to admit hard things: my mom was right. I am the worst procrastinator. I usually choose the jobs I like the best over the ones I actually need to get done. Mom knew this, even if I wasn’t going to admit it.

It’s probably better that I didn’t impulsively start a blog, back then. Sixteen year old me probably had nothing worthwhile to say, and wouldn’t have any idea how to say it if she did. Nineteen year old me has more to say, and hopefully, the writing experience to go with it.

Now that I have a blog, a piece of this vast internet-scape for my very own, I have to spend time with it. I have to engage an audience, people who will show up to hear what I have to say. And to do that, I have to be writing. Always. Consistently. Well.

Something I’ve never been good at doing.

Writing is something I do in spurts. At best, it’s random and messy. So, why did I think I could start a blog? Well, maybe it’s because I want to be better at writing. Because I want to write about the important things. And I know I want to be better at translating the unspeakable into the speakable – to give definition and voice to the things that we just can’t put our fingers on. I’ve always heard, “You learn by doing.”

I don’t always want to write about serious things. Life isn’t always serious, and if it was, I think we’d all give up early. Sometimes I want to write about creativity and music and aesthetics and light and breath and air. I mean, what is life without them anyway?

Maybe having a blog won’t make me as cool as I thought it would. When I was sixteen, I thought being cool was all that mattered. What does a sixteen year old know about being cool, anyway? In three years, I’ve learned a lot of things. One of them is that being cool is far less about what you have than what you do.

I am no longer aiming to be cool. Just to be writing.

Follow along?

|| Let’s Have a Conversation ||

So..what do you think??? • Do you have a blog? (link it below*) Actually that’s a stupid question because I know ya’ll had blogs years before I did. • Do you remember the first post you ever did on your blog? • Was it exciting or awkward, nervous or both?
Also…nice to meet you.

24 thoughts on “The Debut

  1. Hello. I’m new here. (I’m here because a certain blogger told me to check out your blog.)

    So far, I think I like your writing style. What made me want to stay, however, was your NaNoWriMo posts. I have yet to check them out.

    I do have a blog. Somewhat Reserved

    I was reluctant to leave my blog link. Please do not feel pressured to follow me. I will be happy enough to subscribe to your blog (especially since you have bloglovin’).


    • Hello, and welcome!

      Ahh, please don’t feel reluctant to leave your blog link. It’s fine!

      I hope you enjoy reading the NaNo posts. All the best to you,


  2. Oh my goodness, you have no idea how excited I am for you, Keira! I am so happy that you are now officially in the blogging world.You already seem like a really cool person to me so maybe you can give me a couple pointers. 😉 Anywho. I admire you for following your mother’s word and knowing yourself well enough to wait to blog. I’m so proud of you! And just like the quote goes… “good things come to those who wait.” So maybe you’ll have an even better experience with blogging now that you have waited.

    I’m like you, I write in spurts as well. I’m trying to become better at it, especially when it comes to my creative works. But blogging definitely helps keep your creative juices flowing. Your blog and this post = FABULOUS so I think you’re off to a great start! I hope you enjoy your journey as a blogger. 🙂

    xx Kenzie


    • You’re too kind, Machenzie. Thank you.
      Good things – that’s exactly the kind of experience I’m hoping I’ll have with blogging. And yes, making myself write more is definitely a plus (so glad you relate, I feel less alone, ha!)

      Thank you so much for your kind words and well-wishes!




    SECOND: I can’t get over how beautiful and fresh and just MMM GOOD this new blogging space of yours is! Hot dang. You should be so proud of yourself and of all your hard work. I’m stoked to start reading your posts! ❤



    • Late, pssshhh.

      I think you’re pretty darn cool too, and seriously the kindest person. And I don’t know what else to say after that except thank you, thank you, thank you. I believe that people should be proud of their work, so yes, I’m absolutely proud of this space. Can’t wait to do more with it!



  4. Yay, welcome to the blogging world! 🙂 I can’t wait to read your posts! I love your perspective on being “cool.” Who people are on social media and even on their blogs can be a glorified and “perfected” version of themselves for sure! Love your honesty. I’m Erin, by the way. Nice to meet ya! 🙂


    • Hey Erin, nice to meet you too. Honesty is definitely something I’m striving for in this space, so thank you.

      p.s. Also, I read your blog too, and it’s great. : )


  5. hi hi and welcome to the blogging world!!! I remember having a very similar conversation with my mom around the same age (except I did start a blog back then). You’re saved from having to cringe over all your sixteen year old “wisdom” (something I do every day, yikesss). So excited to see more content from you!! 🙂


    • Yes, and thank goodness for that. I’m so glad we grow up and don’t stay teenagers forever.

      Thanks so much, Olivia. I’m excited to start blogging!


  6. Hello Keira!! It is SO NICE TO “MEET” YOU!!!!
    I started my blog ( the beginning of January of this year and I LOVE BLOGGING!!!! My first post was VERY AWKWARD and I was SO NERVOUS about blogging, but it’s so much fun and I LOVE IT!!!
    You have a very lovely blog!

    – Maddy |


    • Hey Maddy! I was totally feeling nervous the closer it came to launch day. I think I rewrote this post at least a half dozen times. Your blog is so pretty, and I’m looking forward to reading through it.



  7. Hi, Keira!!! So lovely to meet you! This first post was very sweet and I think you were wise to wait until you were older. I started at fourteen and totally floundered. 😉 Love the layout!


  8. HIYA!
    I’m (almost) 19 as well, so hi! I actually started my blog at 17 impulsively and went with a random long name, having no idea what I would blog about. You took a good decision 😂
    But, I learnt and I recently also changed my blog name to make it more memorable (my old name sounded pretty but was very hard to remember for others) and I’ve finally got the groove of what I blog about now.

    Welcome to the blogging world!




    *tosses lots of confetti and also waffles because every celebration needs waffles* I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS SPACE IT IS SO CLEAN AND AESTHETIC AND AHHHFLKSJJSLJK *fangirling!!* And this is a beautiful and insightful debut post ABSOLUTELY LOVELY. My first post on my blog was horrendous lol I was thirteen years old and I think I was talking about my bunny slippers??? :””) GOOD MEMORIES THO HAHAHAHA

    I’m so excited to see what you have in store for this blog!! AND WOW I CAN’T BELIEVE I’M FOUR DAYS LATE but I’m so so so so happy for you!! YOU’LL ROCK AT THIS. *fist bump*



    • You are seriously the kindest, Abbiee. *accepts the waffles gratefully*
      I’m thrilled you love the design. I worked so hard on it.

      Aren’t you glad we all grow up? If I’d started blogging at thirteen, I’d probably have been talking about something similar.

      Your comment made me smile so wide. THANK YOU LOVELY.


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