
My dear.
You used to get excited about sunrises and fresh salads.
You loved each season for what it was.

But then
you saw a hundred sunrises.
you ate salad every weekend.
you turned incredible into mundane and
wonders became dull.

You stopped believing in life
and instead you bought
the mantle of sameness.

You stopped noticing the murals on the wall because you’ve seen them a thousand times.
You got so used to the place you were in, you thought:
who I am now is all I’ll ever be.

But how can you,
believe in life as death?

Death is the thing that is stagnant and still.
Death is sameness. But not you –

You are

You are never stagnant.
Even if it feels like you haven’t moved, haven’t changed, haven’t done.
You are moving
changing, doing.
Movement is built into you.
Sameness is not your inheritance.

My dear, please
Life is not a hamster wheel

Growth is not always visible
it is


always forward.

8 thoughts on “Growth

  1. I’m late to read this – but oh. It’s beautiful. It’s so hard to LIVE in the moment, especially when you keep wishing for a different season. Thank you so much for this reminder ❤


  2. I love this!! I’m always, ALWAYS trying to live in the moment because of just this. Life is a weird, but beautiful thing.


    • Isn’t it? But life is by far the best thing that’s happened to me – even with all its ups and downs.

      thanks for reading!


  3. I love this. It’s weird sometimes how we grow without realizing it, entering different seasons of our lives and only noticing after we look back to reflect. Love the lines about the murals on the walls…there are so many murals in my city that I adore and this is a reminder to me to see them as beautiful, not mundane! Thank you! 🙂


    • Aw so happy it blessed you, Hannah. I was nervous about posting it cause poetry and such isn’t really my “thing”, you know? But wow, I do the same thing all the time. It’s so easy to take things for granted.



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