I’m going on hiatus!!

Are you surprised? Probably not, if you read my last post. It was pre-hiatus material.

Truth is, I am in the proper mental state for a hiatus right now. And since Feb. is going to be crazy busy, it seems the right time to cut a couple of things away (namely: the internet). I believe in taking breaks when you need breaks. Amen?? Good.

When will I be back? // in March – either the first or second week.

What will you be doing on hiatus? // (unnecessary sneak-peek into my plans for Feb.)
– generally figure out life / dreams / adulthood / problems
– watch season 4 of Poldark #excited
– catch up on the RobCast (there have been some excellently titled episodes lately, and my brain is oh-so-curious)
– work on secret blog thingy (I will tell you all about it when I get back.)
– Read books (cause that’s what you do when you get off the internet, you read all the books you’ve been telling yourself you’d read)


A couple of things you should check out, in the meantime. 

My friend – Kate Emmons – just launched a patron which YOU SHOULD TOTALLY CHECK IT OUT. Let me tell you, it looks amazing.

Even if patron isn’t your thing, maybe take a peak anyway, and spread the news. Chances are some of YOUR friends do do patron and would love to hear about the places Kate is going.

My other friend, Kenzie (and her friend Rosie) just launched a podcast, which YOU SHOULD TOTALLY CHECK OUT. I know they’re gonna be talking about all kinds of deep, meaningful things – cause that’s the kind of people they are.

So thrilled for them.



One last thing: If you want to know the exciting news I’ll be sharing in March, make sure you’re subscribed to my email list because I won’t be sharing it on this blog. The subscribe link is in the menu or here


see you in March!

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